Well, there's a silver lining to everything! I luckily decided to go into my utility room yesterday, and found an inch a water with a layer on mold on it. Then, I realize the carpet is seeping wet, and then I realize the bathroom floor has buckled. First thing I do is call my Daddy crying. "HELP ME!" Everyone was there within 30 minutes, helping me clean up. (I really didn't do anything but try not to hyperventilate) Long dramatic story short, my water filter system has been leaking. Home insurance will cover it, so all is well. Sadly, I am watching them tear apart my newly finished bathroom. BUT, like I said: silver lining. I wanted to add wainscoat to my walls in there anyway, and now I can.
P.S. I am waiting to tell Craig over the phone, so please don't mention it to him until I do!!!!!
Can you imagine how bad it could have been, had not gone down to my utility room?
Must be a McCall thing to have your basebment flood...or you guys have just figured out a way to update homes better than the rest of us.
Oh, that just SUCKS! And yes, thank goodness you found it before it was disasterous!!!! Are you needing new carpet, too? Good thing Craig is not there...it's for the best!!! :-)
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